A peek into the writing world of author Kay Glass, a busy housewife and mother who still finds time to pen novels. Does she bite? Check it out this upcoming indie author who's made headway with her 'Just one bite' Vampire series and see for yourself.
Introducing Kay Glass...a force to be reckoned with.
When I started writing, it wasn’t anything fancy by any means. I love to read- I always have. I have a friend who loves to read almost as much as I do, and we spend a great deal of time talking about books we’ve read, what we liked about them, what we didn’t, and what we’d like to see happen in a series. The conversation started, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” And from that conversation, Love Bite was born.
Love Bite was supposed to be one book, and it was going to be called Just One Bite. But the more I wrote, the more attached I became to my characters, and then they were too precious to me to end with just one novel. Instead, it became Love Bite, the first novella in the Just One Bite series.
I didn’t have a computer then. In fact, the first half was written long-hand on plain paper I kept in a binder. I have carpal tunnel, and I often worked myself until I could barely move my hands and wrists without crying. I purchased more and more packs of paper, and thicker pens, trying to compensate for the pain by using the bigger pens to take some of the burden of clutching one for hours away. And finally, tax time rolled around and I bought myself a laptop. I spent weeks typing and converting what was on paper into text on Microsoft Word. Then I went back and changed words around, gave more background to my characters, took what was there and made it longer. I worked myself like a dog, and only 2 people knew- my friend who I had the conversation with that started it all, and my husband. I was embarrassed. I loved writing, and always had, but I thought people would mock me, make fun of my ambitions. I was terrified of criticism, because one wrong, hurtful word would bring it all crumbling around my ears, and I’d quit.
It took about 9 months, all told, for Love Bite to be finished. I published it and held my breath. A copy sold, and I cried. Then three copies, then five…. The more sales I racked up, the more inspired I became to tell more of the story. And other stories! I wrote a short story, Table of Blood, and it was well received. And then I published the second in the series, and it sold just as well as the first. And people were interested.
I’m no one fancy, mind you. I’m a housewife. I was a stay-at-home mom until my youngest started school this past September. Now I work from home, and I proudly tell people, “I’m an author.” I still type on my laptop in the living room, but now I have a desk. I’m still a housewife and mother. I still stop whatever I’m doing to tend the needs of my family- and I spend way too much time doing laundry. But when the house is quiet, and everyone sleeps around me, I sit at my little desk and I type new worlds, new words. I create the stories that I see in my head, I get too little sleep, and I’ve never been happier.
Don’t say you can’t write because there’s no time. If you want to, you’ll find the time, even if it’s only an hour throughout the week. Don’t say no one will care about your story- write what you love, and others will love it as well. Don’t say, “I’m just a housewife.” You can be more, if it’s what you really want. And someday you may tell people, “I started it all with a simple phone conversation and a ream of paper.”